Meet Osseus (Bone and Sinew)
Shiver at the sight of Osseus; God of Bone and Sinew, creator of the Whitewood Forest!

These are the words of Osseus, the spider-like God who created all of the bones inside of living things. And yes, that includes YOUR bones, which Osseus can manipulate with a mysterious magnetic force. Make no bones about it; they belong to him, and are returned once our bodies are buried in the soil after death. Which (hopefully) won’t happen too soon!

The Bone Realm, as you might imagine, is a dry and desolate wasteland. It exists across the seas of time in “the unwritten world”, presumed to be an afterlife. Osseus’ realm is filled with skeletal structures, and his shores are scattered with bones. This realm is littered with precious golden offerings that travelled with the dead, but Osseus does not care for such petty materials - only his own majestic creations of Bone and Sinew. Tread cautiously, as the danger will indeed be grave.
To hasten your quest, a shortcut may be taken through this realm. Finding a boat can help you bypass a small part of this barren boneyard, but bear in mind that you’ll also miss out on some potentially valuable items. So, choose wisely!

You’ll face the odious Osseus atop a huge Dolmen Spire - a structure formed from stone tablets built like a house of cards. Your task is to topple this God from his totem, once and for all.
The boss battle has four phases. First, Osseus will latch onto the cliff’s edge facing the player while launching a variety of attacks. Some will cause damage, while others will move and manipulate the player’s body. Osseus will then stand on one leg while dealing physical damage, giving you the opportunity to sweep him off his feet (or “foot”, as the case may be). In the third phase, Osseus’ leg will burst through the floor, which won’t damage the player but may knock them back down into the dungeon. Should you still be standing, the God will then attack from beneath using the newly-made holes in the floor.

Got a bone to pick with Osseus? Gods Will Fall is available to pre-order now!
Further reading

Meet The Gods

Meet Belenos (Wicker)

Meet Morrigan (War)

Meet Ogmios (Devourer)